
Modise: ‘I Would’ve Won More With Pirates’

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Teko Modise
Teko Modise

At the peak of his powers as a footballer, everyone wanted a piece of Teko Modise. That he has managed to retain his pulling power long after his playing days is a remarkable testament to his legendary status. His name still stirs deep emotions among South African football lovers, some of whom would never be found dead supporting either of Orlando Pirates or Mamelodi Sundowns, the two most notable teams he turned out for. Perhaps it should come as no surprise then, dear reader, that you see the Meadowlands native gracing the pages of your favourite publication for a second week running. Only that this time around, as opposed to last week’s conversation that centred around all things LALIGA, ‘The General’ goes local in this face-to-face interview with Soccer Laduma’s Delmain Faver, straight from Nedbank’s Ya Rona House in Parktown, Johannesburg. Enjoy!

Delmain Faver: Teko, you are a very busy man; last year you had six jobs, and it could be more now. But where do you get the time and energy to do all this?

Teko Modise: Look, I think it’s the work ethic that I always had. From my footballing days, I think that’s one thing that actually helped me. In terms of being able to juggle everything, it’s very, very difficult and don’t ask me, why did I put myself in so many things. I also have a schedule with Mamelodi Sundowns, I have to juggle my personal life, the hotel, the fixtures and the traveling. You need to find some sort of balance (to succeed), but it also helps that I enjoy what I’m doing. I’m very cognisant of the fact I’m very lucky and the fact that brands do not see me as a former footballer, but as a businessperson, a person that they can invest their money in. This is something that I worked hard to get to and now that I’m here, I can’t be complaining. This is what I enjoy doing, I don’t mind it at all.

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