
Five things we learned from the 23/24 Premier League season!

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Manchester City were crowned Premier League champions for a record fourth time in a row.
Manchester City were crowned Premier League champions for a record fourth time in a row.

With the 2023/24 Premier League season done and dusted, here are five things we learned from yet another thrilling campaign! 

Manchester City are the greatest!

Perhaps the most obvious takeaway from the season is the fact that City have become the first-ever side to win four Premier League titles in a row. This remarkable feat seems unassailable for other clubs, in the near future at least, as the Citizens appear likely to achieve a fifth title in a row rather than another team matching their unprecedented achievement. Pep Guardiola's side lost only three games all season, with their last defeat coming against Aston Villa in the first week of December. Impressively, the Manchester outfit won their last eight league matches quite comfortably, scoring 29 goals in the process, which equates to just over three-and-a-half goals per match. 

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