
Malema – Phantsi with matchbox RDPs!

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Nthabiseng Tshivhenga of the EFF has urged residents of ward 68 in Daveyton to vote for party. Photo by Phineas Khoza
Nthabiseng Tshivhenga of the EFF has urged residents of ward 68 in Daveyton to vote for party. Photo by Phineas Khoza

FIGHTING corruption within the RDP housing system is one of the promises the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has made to the residents of Daveyton, Ekurhuleni.

EFFs leader Julius Malema said they condemned the jumping of queues for RDP houses by young people, disadvantaging the elderly.

"We have old people who applied for RDP houses since 1997 but are jumped to give preference to young people and this has to stop. Old people must be given fisrt preference," he said.

Malema was accompanied by Dr Mbuyiseni Ndlozi and other EFF officials when they visited Daveyton on Sunday, 28 April. This follows his visit to Alexandra, east of Joburg on Saturday, 27 April. 

He said the EFF is going to provide people with better houses, not the current matchbox houses built by the ruling party.

"We promise you three-bedroom decent houses, which are big enough to have passages and have flushing toilets. We'll make sure you don't become ashamed to invite people to your house.

"A house without a toilet is a glorified 'mkhuhkhu'; you must reject all that. Houses must restore the dignity of black people," he said.

Malema said voting for the EFF will ensure that people walk with dignity.

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He said a facility would be made available for the missing middle to enable them to get houses.

Malema also promised that Daveyton would have a hospital.

"This area is big, and for it not to have a single hospital, it's a disgrace," he said.

Meanwhile, on Saturday, 27 April, during his visit to Alexandra, he said President Cyril Ramaphosa failed to deliver on the one million houses he promised the people of Alexandra.

"Billions have been spent in Alexandra, but there's nothing to show for it," Malema said.

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