
Podcast | On The Minted Couch with DJ Sabby, On setting the tone for people’s day through his breakfast show on Metro FM

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Sabelo Mtshali, better known as DJ Sabby
Sabelo Mtshali, better known as DJ Sabby


At 34, radio personality and businessman Sabelo Mtshali, affectionately known as DJ Sabby, is dominating the airwaves as the host of Metro FM’s breakfast show. DJ Sabby reflects on almost the year he’s enjoyed engaging with the radio station’s four million listeners each morning. He says being at the station has been an eventful, beautiful and challenging journey, adding that there are more highs than lows.

He adds:

I think it’s because of the other person on the other side of the mic. You work with people who want to make it work. Everyone comes in every day, giving their 120% because we need to deliver an amazing breakfast show. And the fact that it’s Metro FM, you can’t forget that big shadow that you are leading the biggest station in the country.

He also mentions that it’s hard taking for granted the opportunity the station has given him because of the impact he makes and the reach it affords him.

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The father and husband proudly showed City Press the meaning of his stage name, Sabby, from the urban dictionary: the best thing in the world. This, he says, is the reason he describes himself as the best thing ever.

DJ Sabby has come a long way since sitting behind the current mic. From starting his radio career at KFM (94.5) in Cape Town while presenting SABC 1’s Bonisanani to joining 94.7 in Johannesburg and eventually landing at YFM through its Y Academy in 2010, the DJ worked hard for his breakthrough.

DJ’s Sabby’s voice transcends local borders, as in 2019, he bagged an opportunity to be on BBC’s radio show called #ThisIsAfrica, hosted by DJ Edu, as a correspondent profiling prominent African acts within the music space. 

With his name meaning gift, Sabelo's drive for success has earned him an international footprint, while remaining true to his African roots.

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