
Bogus teacher who failed matric four times pocketed over R1m salary

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Ntombelanga Labane was admitted, and completed a Bachelor degree with a fake matric certificate and duped the Mpumalanga education department to employ her as a teacher.
Ntombelanga Labane was admitted, and completed a Bachelor degree with a fake matric certificate and duped the Mpumalanga education department to employ her as a teacher.


Ntombelanga Labane’s forged matric certificate was so convincing that she was not only admitted and obtained a university degree, but she was also able to dupe the Mpumalanga education department to hire her as a teacher.

It was only after a whistleblower exposed her deception and, by the time she was caught out, in 2022, she had already pocketed over R1.2 million in salary as a business and accounting teacher.

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