
Beloved ex-principal's mystery death

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Family members and villagers watching as pathologists and forensic cops remove the body of the former principal Phillip Clifford Dhlamini. Photo by Oris Mnisi
Family members and villagers watching as pathologists and forensic cops remove the body of the former principal Phillip Clifford Dhlamini. Photo by Oris Mnisi

IN A tragic turn of events, Phillip Clifford Dhlamin (77) , a respected former school principal, was discovered dead in the outskirts of Edinburgh Village, near Thulamahashe in Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga.

The discovery was made on Monday, 14 May, following his disappearance over a week prior.

The Dhlamini family, led by a grief-stricken John Dhlamini (74), expressed their profound sorrow over the incident, saying that the loss of his brother has deeply affected the entire family.

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