
For moms, by moms: A selection of Mother's Day wines

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Kiara Scott of Brookdale Estate
Kiara Scott of Brookdale Estate
Daléne Fourie

In celebration of Mother's Day, we've curated a selection of top-rated wines made by world-class South African winemakers who also happen to be mothers themselves. 

To be clear, we are not celebrating these winemakers because they are women. We are celebrating the world-class wines of winemakers who also happen to be women and mothers on Mother's Day. Because despite the woke era we now find ourselves in, there's something to be said for managing to be a worldclass winemaker AND mother, no matter what the kids say.   

Mother's Day, like Valentine's Day, is a non-negotiable despite the obvious commercial subtext. Unlike Valentine's Day, no-one is exempt.

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