
WINE DINING | Farm to table: The legacy of Winshaw Vineyard's storied past

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The brothers Winshaw, JP and Pierre. (Daléne Fourie/News24)
The brothers Winshaw, JP and Pierre. (Daléne Fourie/News24)

Dr William Charles Winshaw, Charles, was an intriguing man. An American by birth from Pulaski County in the great state of Kentucky, he was born in 1871. The son of a doctor, he ran away from home at the age of 12, and I admit, I went down a Huckleberry-Finn-shaped hole reading a document entitled 'Gold Dust and Grapes' by Eric Rosenthal, chronicling his life. From a runaway boy on the Tennessee River with his Huckleberry Finn-type friend Rastus.

"He was sunshine most always - I mean he made it seem like good weather."- Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

In his time, he was an errant boy, gold prospector, and professional gambler, a job that funded his medical studies at Tulane College in New Orleans (following in his estranged father's footsteps), where he attained a degree after four years. He then set up a medical practice in Elizabethtown in New Mexico, where he became convinced that he would never make a profit as a doctor, and travelled to Klondike in Canada, once again in search of gold (there's a Titanic reference to be made here, but I'm making an almighty effort not to), then Alaska, then worked on a project for Theodore Roosevelt in Mexico.

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