
Anne Hathaway on her new movie, family life and why she’s putting her own joy above the haters

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She’s adored by fans and loathed by haters, but  Anne Hathaway says she’s putting her own joy first. (PHOTO: Getty Images/Gallo Images)
She’s adored by fans and loathed by haters, but Anne Hathaway says she’s putting her own joy first. (PHOTO: Getty Images/Gallo Images)

She was the kind of woman people loved to loathe – she was too pretty, too perfect, too happy, too try-hard, too much of a smarty-pants.

One critic branded her the cheerleader of princessy theatre-schooled girls who had no sex appeal and “ate raisins for dessert”.

The anti-Anne Hathaway brigade even had a name – the Hathahaters – and there were articles dedicated to the negativity with titles such as “Why everyone hates Anne Hathaway”. 

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