Noordkaap Bulletin

Swift action needed with head injuries

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Many head injuries are preventable with helmets, seatbelts, and child car seats as armour against the unpredictable.
Many head injuries are preventable with helmets, seatbelts, and child car seats as armour against the unpredictable.
Photo: Pexels/Cottonbro Studio

Head injuries are a significant cause of disability, particularly among children and young adults, with traumatic brain injury contributing to mortality and disability rates nationwide.

However, many head injuries are preventable, with helmets, seatbelts, and child car seats as armour against the unpredictable.

Mande Toubkin, general manager of emergency, trauma, transplant, and corporate social investment at Netcare, emphasises the profound impact of head injury and its ability to irrevocably transform lives and plunge families into unimaginable distress.

“There is an urgent need for increased awareness regarding prevention and effective management. It is crucial to acknowledge that behind the statistics are real-life tragedies – road accidents, falls, and acts of violence that shatter lives in an instant.”

First aid for head injury

“Swift action is paramount as, with each passing moment, lives hang in the balance. The message is simple – contact an emergency medical services provider such as Netcare 911 (082 911) for help as soon as possible. While waiting for paramedics to arrive, try to keep the person’s head and neck still, as trauma to the head may mean possible spinal injuries,” she notes.

When to seek medical attention

“It is understandable that parents and other caregivers will be unsure about when to seek medical attention if their child has sustained a blow to the head, especially when it is a younger child,” says Toubkin.

“While there’s a misconception that urgent medical attention is only necessary if a child loses consciousness, it’s crucial to note that a blackout isn’t the sole indicator of severity in head injuries. Even without loss of consciousness, a child may experience a severe concussion.”

Symptoms can vary widely and persist for extended periods.

Seeking medical evaluation after a suspected head injury is essential for accurate assessment, determining potential concussion, or identifying more severe complications like skull fractures or brain bleeds. During consultations, medical practitioners will also assess accompanying skin injuries and possible neck trauma.

Concussion symptoms: What to look out for:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • blurred or fuzzy vision;
  • dizziness;
  • sensitivity to light or noise;
  • balance issues;
  • fatigue;
  • changes in sleep patterns:
  • increased or decreased sleep duration; and
  • difficulty falling asleep.
  • Symptoms to monitor in young children:
  • excessive crying;
  • persistent headaches;
  • alterations in play or behaviour;
  • changes in feeding, sleeping, or nursing patterns;
  • increased irritability or tantrums;
  • loss of interest in typical activities or toys;
  • regression in acquired skills, like toilet training;
  • difficulty walking or maintaining balance; and
  • impaired attention.

Protecting children from head injuries

  • ensure proper use of child car seats and booster seats, and always strap your child in securely during travel;
  • educate your child on bicycle safety and emphasise the importance of wearing a helmet;
  • instruct your child on safe practices around streets and vehicles; and
  • teach your child about playground safety to reduce the risk of falls from heights.

Toubkin encourages the public to use Netcare’s emergency response capabilities, available through the Netcare App.

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