
Decades of dread: The most memorable horror remakes and sequels ever made

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Nell Tiger Free as Margaret in 20th Century Studios The First Omen. (Courtesy of 20th Century Studios.)
Nell Tiger Free as Margaret in 20th Century Studios The First Omen. (Courtesy of 20th Century Studios.)

It's hard to adequately convey just how much of a pleasant surprise The First Omen – the recently released prequel to the 1970s Antichrist classic, The Omen - was. A few months ago, the truly execrable The Exorcist: Believer proved once again that legacy horror sequels were almost always a terrible idea and aside from very, very rare exceptions like Annabelle: Creation and Ouija: Origin of Evil, the less said about horror prequels (and most prequels, frankly) the better. The First Omen, however, was genuinely pretty damn great, easily living up to and perhaps even surpassing the original and throwing down the gauntlet as the horror film to beat this year. I certainly never saw that coming, and judging by most of the reviews and audience reactions, neither did anyone else.

In a genre as rife with sequels, prequels, remakes, and spin-offs as the horror genre, though, The First Omen is hardly the only worthy horror follow-up to a classic original. These are relatively rare relative to all the awful ones released yearly, but they certainly exist and are more common than you might think.

What follows are ten of the best horror follow-ups of all time and a few honourable mentions. Needless to say, it's far from an exhaustive list (feel free to add some in the comments), but it certainly makes the case that just because a horror movie is a remake or has a number in the title doesn't automatically mean that it's not worth your time. Far, far from it.  

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