
VIDEO: Seal a cement surface

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Protect your cement kitchen surfaces from water and general wear with Woodoc 45 Tile and Cement Sealer.


* Woodoc 45 Tile and Cement Sealer

* cloth

* flat stirring spatula 

* large paintbrush


1. Prepare your surface: make sure it’s porous, dry/cured and dust-free before you start.

2. Stir the sealer well before and during application.  Apply 1 generous coat of Woodoc 45 Tile and Cement Sealer with a large paintbrush; do not allow pooling. Very porous substrates may require a second and third coat. Each coat must dry completely before applying the next. Allow 24 hours before using the sealed surface. 

 TIP: If you want a cement top in a different colour, tint Woodoc 45 using Woodoc Colours.

Visit Woodoc for more information.

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