
Cheers to love: Ornella and Ryan's journey from a bar meet cute to wedded bliss

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Ornella and Ryan Kirtley kiss after saying their vows. (Supplied/Charne A Photography)
Ornella and Ryan Kirtley kiss after saying their vows. (Supplied/Charne A Photography)

We've all seen that one romantic movie where the woman does not feel like going out on this particular night; however, through their friend's persistency, they force them to.

So, they end up going and it turns out that this is the same night they meet the love of their life. This couple’s story echoes the same tune, including all the distractions that take place and through fate they end up walking down the aisle.

Meet Joburg-born couple, Ornella and Ryan Kirtley, who are currently living in Amsterdam. The pair met at a bar called Baron, where Ornella's cousin was hosting a graduation celebration. Ornella had just ended things with her fling and had a catch-up session with her friend, where she shared that she didn't want to go to the celebration as it was a 40-minute drive.

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