
Brushes, toes, and brainpower: Viral Dutch artist amazes, crafting masterpieces with hands and feet

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Dutch artist Rajacenna van Dam, paints ten paintings at once with both hands and feet, live in a museum in Vlaardingen, on 3 May 2024. (John Thys/AFP)
Dutch artist Rajacenna van Dam, paints ten paintings at once with both hands and feet, live in a museum in Vlaardingen, on 3 May 2024. (John Thys/AFP)

Two paintbrushes between the toes, two in her hands, and fierce concentration etched on her face, Dutch artist Rajacenna van Dam is crafting 10 paintings at the same time.

An astronaut, a self-portrait, a bespectacled panda and seven other pictures burst into life from her brush, painted on 10 canvasses laid out on a table, upside-down on the floor, and two easels.

It started as a party trick for the curly-haired Rajacenna - her artist name - who wanted a challenge to relieve her boredom.

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