
NPA confirms Justice Mokgoro's partner criminally charged over 2023 car accident

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Justice Yvonne Mokgoro died as a result of multiple injuries suffered in a serious car crash. (Lucky Nxumalo/Gallo Images/City Press)
Justice Yvonne Mokgoro died as a result of multiple injuries suffered in a serious car crash. (Lucky Nxumalo/Gallo Images/City Press)
  • The partner of the late Justice Yvonne Mokgoro has been charged in connection with a 2023 car crash she was injured in.
  • The beloved judge suffered multiple injuries in the incident, which led to health setbacks.
  • Her partner David Mmelesi was charged with one count of reckless or negligent driving.

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has confirmed that late Justice Yvonne Mokgoro's partner has been charged in connection with the 2023 car crash in which she was injured.

Mokgoro, the much-loved and highly regarded first black woman justice to be appointed to the Constitutional Court, suffered multiple injuries in a serious car crash near Kimberley in the Northern Cape in April 2023.

Northern Cape NPA spokesperson Mojalefa Senokoatsane told News24 that after the crash, David Mmelesi was "criminally charged on one count of reckless/negligent driving with possibility of amending charges to culpable homicide following the death of the judge".

Mmelesi, who was summonsed to appear in the Barkly West Magistrate's Court, was released on a warning.

The case is due back in court on 30 May.

Stepping away from the public and serious injuries

Mokgoro, 73, died in hospital on Thursday afternoon surrounded by her family.

In June last year, Mokgoro stepped back from public engagements to focus on her recovery following a car accident. 

Mokgoro was hospitalised in April last year after sustaining injuries in the accident in the Northern Cape.

She was travelling between Warrenton and Kimberley when her car collided with a truck.

The accident subsequently led to further health setbacks.

Family spokesperson and Mokgoro's son, Ithateng previously said: "Our family, and the country at large, has lost a principled servant, whose commitment to justice will continue to shape our society. 

"We remain grateful to all those who supported her over the past difficult months, and we ask them to continue to hold the family in their thoughts and prayers."

Mokgoro was a member of the first Constitutional Court bench and its first African female judge.

She retired from the bench in 2009.

After her retirement, she played important roles in legal and civil society circles.

She chaired the South African Law Reform Commission and served on both Lesotho and Namibia benches.

She was a member of the International Council of Arbitration for Sport, chaired the United Nations Internal Justice Council, and took on the significant responsibility as chairperson of the International Expert Mechanism to Advance Racial Justice and Equality in Law.

Mokgoro devoted her time and energy towards nurturing the next generation of lawyers and leaders, both as a board member of the Mandela-Rhodes Trust and through her involvement in teaching worldwide.

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