
Boks: Can revitalised Willie 'find seven runs' for his century in 2024?

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Springboks fullback Willie le Roux is seven Tests away from his green and gold century. (Paul Harding/Getty Images)
Springboks fullback Willie le Roux is seven Tests away from his green and gold century. (Paul Harding/Getty Images)

We already know that Willie le Roux transfers his skills quite seamlessly into the cricket landscape.

There was ample evidence of that in the short period a few years ago where the Springboks tackled (sic) the Proteas in popular, occasional Twenty20 matches.

Cut to the present, though, and Le Roux must sometimes wish in statistical terms that he was more active in the summer game.

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Given what you saw in their 3-0 series loss to the West Indies, how do you think the Proteas will perform at the upcoming T20 World Cup?
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They have NO chance! I'm calling a group stage exit.
28% - 56 votes
They'll get through the group but then be eliminated in the knockouts. Same old, same old!
61% - 121 votes
This is our year! The Proteas can go all the way with their star players.
11% - 22 votes
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