
Global grit: An expat survival guide to thriving abroad and conquering stress and solitude

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Studies show that many people who decide to start a new life abroad struggle to maintain their mental well-being while dealing with everything that comes with moving to a new country. (Getty Images/martin-dm)
Studies show that many people who decide to start a new life abroad struggle to maintain their mental well-being while dealing with everything that comes with moving to a new country. (Getty Images/martin-dm)

People who decide to start a new life abroad struggle to maintain their mental well-being while dealing with everything that comes with moving to a new country. 

Studies show that this can lead to feelings of detachment, loneliness, self-doubt, and a negative outlook.

A 2024 study by Cigna Healthcare Vitality found that 86% of expats surveyed experience high levels of stress — additionally, 96% struggle with exceptionally high levels of burnout. 

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