
Listen with your heart: Amplify loving bonds with the art of active listening

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Effective listening is the key to a healthy relationship. By practising active listening techniques and communicating effectively, we can make the people we love feel truly heard and valued. (Getty Images/10 000 Hours)
Effective listening is the key to a healthy relationship. By practising active listening techniques and communicating effectively, we can make the people we love feel truly heard and valued. (Getty Images/10 000 Hours)

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to overlook one of the most fundamental needs in any relationship: the need to feel seen and heard. To truly connect with our partners and loved ones, we need to learn the art of active listening.

Rakhi Beekrum, a counselling psychologist, shares valuable insights and practical tips on how to make our loved ones feel genuinely understood and valued.

The importance of active listening

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