
Ford goes to the movies: Iconic on-screen moments over the past 100 years

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Ford Mustang Bullitt (Quickpic)
Ford Mustang Bullitt (Quickpic)

Compiling a bucket list of great movies, featuring Ford Motor Company products, is more about excluding the ones you'd need to, rather than cherry-picking the celluloid masterpieces with a Ford deserving of at least a co-starring credit.

It seems as if Fords have always been in movies. Just as the fledgling Ford South Africa production line was cranking up to full speed in Port Elizabeth 100 years ago, the great comedy duo, Laurel and Hardy, were gaining traction in Hollywood with a string of hits that featured, more often than not, a Model T Ford. 

With 15 million examples of the Ford Model T already built by the late 1920s, the American people's car was tailor-made for the mishap-strewn adventures that saw the tough-as-teak Ford pounded upon by irate homeowners, offended housewives, speeding steam engines, and justice-seeking policemen.

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