
From past to present: Virtual reality exhibition to connect young people with District Six

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Academy of Digital Arts game course founder Lars Espeter talked the audience through a demonstration of the District Six virtual reality experience. (Storm Simpson/News24)
Academy of Digital Arts game course founder Lars Espeter talked the audience through a demonstration of the District Six virtual reality experience. (Storm Simpson/News24)

This year, the District Six Museum will commemorate its 30th anniversary, and a virtual reality (VR) exhibition titled The District Six Experience: A Walk Through Time will be part of the celebrations.

The project, a collaboration between the museum, Loud Rabbits Agency, and the Academy of Digital Arts game course alumni aims to immerse users in the rich history of District Six.

Engaging younger audiences and ensuring the legacy of District Six is preserved for future generations is at the heart of the project, which uses advanced game technology to bring the sights and sounds of the past to life.

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