
Premier League is the 'greatest league in the world' says Foden after Player of the Season crowning

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Phil Foden (Justin Setterfield/Getty Images)
Phil Foden (Justin Setterfield/Getty Images)

Manchester City's Phil Foden has been named the Premier League's Player of the Season.

Saturday's announcement meant the 23-year-old England midfielder completed an awards double after being voted Footballer of the Year by the English Football Writers' Association earlier this month.

Foden has scored a career-best 17 Premier League goals so far this season ahead of champions City's final league game of the campaign.

"To win this award is an achievement that I am extremely proud of," said Foden.

"The Premier League is acknowledged as the greatest league in the world, and it is a pleasure to have been nominated with so many other great players who have all enjoyed special seasons for their clubs."

City will secure a record fourth successive English title if they win at home to West Ham on Sunday.

"Overall, I've been very happy with the way I have played this season and really pleased that I have been able to contribute with the goals and assists throughout the season," Foden added.

"I'd like to thank all of the City staff, coaches and especially my team-mates because without them this wouldn't be possible.

"And I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who voted for me as the award means a lot."

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