
Schoolboy rugby: Reunion-mania in Qonce while Grey/Affies and Paul Roos/Gimmies square off

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Dewan du Preez, Selborne's number eight, couldn't find a way through Dale College's defence when the teams met in Qonce last year where Dale surprisingly, but deservedly won 36-31. (Selborne College's Facebook page)
Dewan du Preez, Selborne's number eight, couldn't find a way through Dale College's defence when the teams met in Qonce last year where Dale surprisingly, but deservedly won 36-31. (Selborne College's Facebook page)

The middle of May isn't just the peak of schoolboy rugby mayhem but also trial time for other provinces as the youth weeks draw ever so near.

For example, Grey College, who are heading from South Africa's judicial capital to the administrative capital for their clash against Afrikaanse Hoër Seunskool (Affies), aren't going to play rugby after next week's home clash against Monument as they prepare to engage in exams and provincial trials.

The Eastern Province region will be out of action this weekend, too, as Meyer Sauerman weekend takes over from a trial perspective.

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Given what you saw in their 3-0 series loss to the West Indies, how do you think the Proteas will perform at the upcoming T20 World Cup?
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They have NO chance! I'm calling a group stage exit.
28% - 56 votes
They'll get through the group but then be eliminated in the knockouts. Same old, same old!
61% - 122 votes
This is our year! The Proteas can go all the way with their star players.
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