
News24 appoints Natasha Marrian as new politics editor ahead of elections

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News24 has appointed Natasha Marrian as its new political editor. (Alfonso Nqunjana/News24)
News24 has appointed Natasha Marrian as its new political editor. (Alfonso Nqunjana/News24)
  • News24 has appointed Natasha Marrian as its new political editor.
  • Marrian boasts an illustrious career in political journalism, being at the helm of Business Day's political division and bringing her expertise to both the Mail & Guardian and Financial Mail.
  • She joins News24 at a pivotal time, with the country gearing up for general elections later this month.

Experienced political journalist Natasha Marrian has been named the new assistant editor: politics and opinion at News24.

With a distinguished career that includes leading roles at Business Day, the Mail & Guardian, and Financial Mail, Marrian steps into this pivotal position as South Africa stands on the cusp of crucial general elections.

Her appointment heralds a new chapter of insightful and incisive political coverage for News24, promising readers expert analysis and commentary at a critical moment in the nation's political narrative.

She takes up the position from 1 May.

Marrian said she was excited about the position.

She added: "I'm grateful for the opportunity. It's a crucial year in SA's political life, and the media will play an important role. It's a huge responsibility given News24's size and reach. I will give it my best." 

Marrian started out as a journalist in 2004.

She studied at the then-Rand Afrikaans University, now known as the University of Johannesburg, graduating with a BA Honours in Journalism. 

Marrian has emerged as a distinguished figure, with her decade-long career adorned with accolades and recognition.

Her journey reached a notable peak in 2018 when she was celebrated as a finalist in the Sikuvile Journalism Awards for her compelling columns.

This achievement was a precursor to her remarkable year in 2022, which saw her earning commendations from the Vodacom Journalist of the Year award judges for a piece in the Financial Mail. 

In the same year, she was also a finalist in the Sanlam Group Financial Journalist of the Year.

Commenting on Marrian's appointment, News24's editor-in-chief, Adriaan Basson, said: "We are incredibly lucky to have a journalist of Natasha's stature to lead our political coverage into the watershed 29 May elections."

Basson added News24's subscribers could look forward to being treated to top-notch political analysis and commentary from Marrian's pen.

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