
Who is the Breast health expert?

Dr Karin Baatjes is the Breast health expert - having undergone training in Sweden and the UK, Baatjes has specialised in breast health for the past three years, the general age of her patients being 45 years.

Dr Baatjies is part of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Stellenbosch University - Head, Neck and Breast Surgery:
Clinical services:
Current focus areas - Intra-operative radiotherapy for breast carcinoma, breast reconstruction following therapy for carcinoma.

Dr Baatjes says: "I enjoy working with women who care for themselves and want to enhance their health. I believe women should empower themselves and this can only be done if women are informed. Therefore, I try to spread the word as far as possible, because I believe that if women know, they can do.

"Furthermore, there is a personal connection as my own mother has breast cancer and so I have deep empathy with the women I treat. This also enables me to have a better understanding of what they are going through."

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