
Most SA women pay R7 000 or less for rent, survey finds

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The third annual Tenant Survey Report by credit bureau TPN shows that women prefer sectional-titled flats, townhouses, and clusters in a complex to a free-standing house. (Getty Images/Prostock-Studio).
The third annual Tenant Survey Report by credit bureau TPN shows that women prefer sectional-titled flats, townhouses, and clusters in a complex to a free-standing house. (Getty Images/Prostock-Studio).

More women than men are renting because they cannot afford home ownership.

This according to credit bureau TPN's latest Tenant Survey which provides the property sector, including property owners and managers, with insights into tenants' needs, wants, aspirations, and challenges. 

More than 170 000 tenants in the bureau's database were surveyed, and 19 000 completed responses were received.

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