
From celeb gatherings to community giving: Smul's holistic health vision takes root

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Smul launch in Cape Town
Smul launch in Cape Town
Phumi Ramalepe/ News24

The launch of Smul, a new plant-based food offering, took place on a picturesque Thursday evening at one of Cape Town's highly sought-after restaurants, The Nines, with healthy food items that claim to offer an instant metabolism boost. 

The event, which also featured a display of culinary excellence, hosted big names in the entertainment and influencer industries, including the Ndlovus (Stephanie and Hungani), Abigail Visagie, Letshego Zulu, Lisa Madibe, Miss South Africa 2007 Tansey Coetzee, and many more. 

TV and radio personality Elana Afrika hosted the event, ensuring guests were treated to an immersive experience as they learned more about the brand. The offering includes various plant-based products, such as protein powders, protein bars, granola, and mini rice cakes. 

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