
French men urged to 'drive like a woman' in new road safety campaign

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A woman adjusting the rear-view mirror in her car. (Nicky Lloyd / Getty Images)
A woman adjusting the rear-view mirror in her car. (Nicky Lloyd / Getty Images)

A French road safety association said Monday (13 May) it had launched a campaign urging men to drive like women, aiming to cut traffic deaths while debunking the sexist stereotype that men are better behind the wheel.

"Drive Like A Woman", runs the slogan on the ads, seen mostly in metro stations and posted online, from the association Victims and Citizens.

"A look at the data tells you that there's no truth" to the stereotype that men are better drivers, the association said in a statement.

Some 84% of deadly road accidents were caused by men, it said, citing a governmental road safety report.

Victims and Citizens, which assists people injured in traffic accidents and runs awareness campaigns, said it hoped to prompt a change in the "mentality of men and therefore in their behaviour".

According to the government report, 93% of drivers causing an accident under the influence of alcohol were men.

"Driving like a woman just means one thing, staying alive," the ad campaign said.

A young woman driving. (K Matta / Getty Images)
A young woman driving. (K Matta / Getty Images)

Close to 3 200 people died in road accidents in France last year, with early data for this year pointing to a possible increase in 2024.

READ | It's been proven: Women really are better drivers than men - Netstar tech data

In 2022, new telematics data from Netstar also revealed that women are indeed better drivers than men here in South Africa.

The insight came from customer-incident data released by stolen vehicle recovery and fleet intelligence company Netstar, a subsidiary of Altron.

At the time of the report, Netstar says the new data calculates registered incidences of vehicle impacts, harsh braking, harsh acceleration, and harsh cornering as a percentage of total male and female customers. And according to the intelligence company, women performed better than men on every metric.

Additional reporting compiled by Janine van der Post

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