
DRIVEN | Could the new Elevate SUV be Honda South Africa's ray of sunshine?

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Honda Elevate (Supplied/Quickpic)
Honda Elevate (Supplied/Quickpic)

Honda has a legacy that runs deep in the motoring world, but as with everything, business models and strategies change, and perhaps this is why the Japanese automaker is not as big as it used to be on the local sales charts.

Whether you're a petrolhead or not, everyone has a Honda story to tell. Whether it's your dad or grandpa's first car or one of your family cars, whatever it was and whoever was behind the wheel, one thing was sure—Honda produced good cars, stylish for its time, but most importantly, reliable. 

Their current models are still all those things, but with such a competitive market, the brand battles to compete with what everyone else has to offer.

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