
WATCH | 'Shine at the top': Uncle Waffles freestyles on US radio show Sway in the Morning

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Lungelihle Zwane aka Uncle Waffles performs at the Sziget Festival 2023 on 15 August 2023 in Budapest, Hungary. (Joseph Okpako/WireImage)
Lungelihle Zwane aka Uncle Waffles performs at the Sziget Festival 2023 on 15 August 2023 in Budapest, Hungary. (Joseph Okpako/WireImage)
  • South African DJ Uncle Waffles was interviewed on the US radio show Sway in the Morning, hosted by Jonathan "Sway" Calloway.
  • Sway uploaded a clip from it where Uncle Waffles does a short freestyle over the beat of Lil Kim's Lighters Up.
  • Uncle Waffles also spoke about her career and fame in the interview.

South African-based DJ Uncle Waffles was featured on the US radio show Sway in the Morning, interviewed by host Jonathan "Sway" Calloway.

Teasing her full interview on Monday, Sway uploaded a clip from it where Uncle Waffles does a short freestyle over the beat of Lil Kim's Lighters Up.

"Big Waffles, cream of the crop. I'm still hot, just in case you forgot. I'm on go, you know I can't stop. I'm highly favoured to shine at the top," the Eswatini DJ rapped.

Toward the end of her freestyle, she broke out into laughter.

"[Uncle Waffles] is taking the world by storm?? She is in DJ'in every country around the world puttin on for Africa. But she got bars too [sic]," Sway wrote in a caption on Instagram.


In the comments on Sway's Instagram post, the popular hip hop producer Metro Boomin expressed his approval with flame emojis.

In the interview, Uncle Waffles talked about her fame and career and taught Sway how to dance to Amapiano.

"I always wanted to do something creative, but I didn't know where my path was taking me," she said. At first, she wanted to be an actor and studied business management.

She started sharpening her music skills during the Covid-19 pandemic, and from there, she fell into the DJ world.

She shared that her name comes from a song about waffles featured in the Cartoon Network show Teen Titans Go! She initially wanted to be known as just 'Waffles', but her manager told her to use the full nickname Uncle Waffles.

Her career as a DJ started to take off when a clip of her dancing went viral. Now that she has built an international brand, she has learned lessons from her fame. 

"You don't know true vulnerability until you're popular," she said. "You go from being someone who can blend into the world to someone who is a sore… they pick at everything."

She added:

You have to have a tough skin.

She also made the hosts laugh with a story about how a fan almost pulled off her wig. 

"People get excited, it's okay, some people get a little excited more than others. So [the fan] comes to me as I'm playing, to hug me. As she hugs from the back - and I've been sweating, cause I am dancing and I'm doing so much - and my wig...," she gestures to show her wig falling off.

Her reflexes kicked in, and she was able to stop her wig from being pulled off completely.

The DJ (real name Lungelihle Zwane) is currently doing interviews on a media tour. She has teased an upcoming song with rapper Joey Bada$$.

This year, she dropped the single Wadibusa, and in 2023, she dropped two extended projects.

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She received the Best DJ Africa award at the African Muzik Magazine Awards in 2022 and Best African Music Act at the British MOBO Awards in 2023.

Sway is known for interviewing high-profile figures in the US entertainment industry. His show mainly focuses on hip hop. One of the most well-known moments from his show is his 2012 interview with Kanye West.

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