
Shining at Cannes: SA-based filmmaker Zoe Ramushu eyes global award with pioneering Wrapped App

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SA-based Filmmaker and actor Zoe Ramushu has been making waves at the 77th Cannes International Film Festival. She has been nominated for a film industry app she created in tonight's (20 May) Screen International Global Production Awards. (Supplied/Brand SA)
SA-based Filmmaker and actor Zoe Ramushu has been making waves at the 77th Cannes International Film Festival. She has been nominated for a film industry app she created in tonight's (20 May) Screen International Global Production Awards. (Supplied/Brand SA)

Mzansi continues to make its mark at the 77th Cannes International Film Festival, where several South African filmmakers and film studios are up for accolades in tonight's (20 May) prestigious Screen International Global Production Awards in Cannes, France. 

Zimbabwean-born, South African-based filmmaker, producer, and tech founder Zoe Ramushu is nominated in the Diversity category for creating a film industry smartphone application she called "Wrapped."

The app provides a comprehensive professional database of people in the film industry with diversity and variety. It supports, protects and assists in representing women, people of colour, and young up-and-coming talents – including line producers, sound engineers, camera people, editors and tech assistants. 

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