
'I hear I'm dead again': Leon Schuster addresses 'crazy' hoax and updates on upcoming back surgery

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Leon Schuster speaks during an interview on 18 May 2022 in Cape Town, South Africa. (Deon Raath/Gallo Images/Rapport)
Leon Schuster speaks during an interview on 18 May 2022 in Cape Town, South Africa. (Deon Raath/Gallo Images/Rapport)

After undergoing back surgeries that did not yield the desired results last year, veteran entertainer Leon Schuster remained hopeful that his back issues would be resolved as he prepared to go under the knife for a third time. 

The update on the Oh Schuks franchise maker's health was shared by his on-screen sidekick Alfred Ntombela's manager, Asgar Mahomed. 

"Leon Schuster has undergone two back surgeries, which unfortunately did not yield the desired results. Undeterred, he is preparing for another procedure, this time approached through the stomach area to address his back issues," he shared on social media. "His strength in the face of adversity is truly inspiring." 

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