
City retirement becomes increasingly popular as rural infrastructure wanes

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Enjoy hassle-free retirement in one of the homes at Celebration Retirement Estate.
Enjoy hassle-free retirement in one of the homes at Celebration Retirement Estate.

Central Developments Celebration logo

The challenges brought about by the poor infrastructure maintenance in many of South Africa's rural areas are driving more and more retirees to settle in suitable retirement estates in the city. Riaan Joubert, director of Central Developments, says they can clearly see this increasing trend when they analyse where the buyers in their new retirement estates come from.

Central Developments is currently developing the fourteenth in a series of retirement estates that they have successfully developed over the past 15 years. According to Joubert, the norm used to be that about 15% of their buyers came from the countryside in search of better medical support specifically and to be closer to their children, who mostly live and work in the city.

During the last year, however, this figure rose to 30%. Inadequate security and medical services, dilapidated infrastructure, and challenges with the delivery of basic services are mostly cited as the reasons for this trend.

Celebration Retirement Estate
All of the houses have private gardens.

Christelle van Zyl and her husband recently moved to Celebration Retirement Estate in Randburg, Gauteng, after running a guest house in Parys in the Free State for many years. They decided to move to this modern retirement estate because it would be nice to be closer to their children and grandchildren in the city. But that wasn't the only reason for their decision.

One of their primary considerations was the excellent support they would enjoy in the retirement estate – especially in terms of health- and medical care and support. At Celebration, they are not only within easy reach of various private hospitals and specialist medical services, but the retirement estate itself also has a 24-hour frail-care unit.

Apart from caring for frail residents in this on-site facility, the frail-care unit also offers extensive home-care services that enable residents to stay in their own homes with the necessary support for as long as possible.

An effective 24-hour panic button service is also operated from the care unit. This gives residents and their loved ones peace of mind, knowing that qualified staff are readily available to help within minutes in case of an emergency.

Celebration Retirement Estate
Neat walkways offers the chance to spend time in the fresh outdoors while secure in the knowledge that you're perfectly safe.
Celebration Retirement Estate
The retirement estate has world-class security too.

Celebration Retirement Estate is widely described as one of Johannesburg's best-kept secrets. Without much fuss, more than 70% of the properties in the estate have already been sold. However, a variety of houses and apartments are still available for sale and to let.

From just R990 000, buyers can choose from a range of residential units consisting of sunny one- and two-bedroom apartments and spacious two- and three-bedroom houses. Show units can be viewed seven days a week, and those interested are welcome to make an appointment to view the units and the facilities.

For more information about Celebration Retirement Estate or to make an appointment for a viewing, please call 0600 849 695 or visit the website

This post and content is sponsored, written and produced by Central Developments.

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